Humidity Control Specialists: Dehumidification & Accelerated Drying


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Bespoke Humidity Control Systems

Bespoke Humidity Control Systems

We provide bespoke humidity control systems for a range of applications. All industries and businesses of any size can benefit from quality humidity control but investing in ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions may be detrimental to your company’s growth.

Read on and we’ll explain why humidity control is so important and why our bespoke solutions suit you best.


What Are Bespoke Humidity Control Systems?

The humidity control systems your business needs vary depending on what you create, process, or study. For example, if you are producing pharmaceuticals, you need cleanrooms to operate safely. These cleanrooms filter clean air that is free of harmful contaminants and keeps your team safe.

On the other hand, if you work in food and drink production, you need humidity control when baking, drying, packaging, and storing. All functions require different dehumidification systems, all tailored to your factory’s needs.

Other industries include:

  • Automotive
  • Aviation
  • Electronics
  • Healthcare
  • Utilities
  • Wind Farms
  • Scientific Research
  • And more!

If you aren’t using the correct tool for the job, you risk not only producing inferior products, but also doing it in a way that isn’t efficient.


Why Are Bespoke Humidity Control Systems Needed?

Naturally, if you are working in a competitive industry, there will be multiple humidity control systems available to you. However, these may work for your competitors, but not for you.

There can be a number of reasons for this:

Firstly, space. All factories, labs, plants, and showrooms are different shapes and sizes; no two are exactly the same. This means that the ‘standard’ solutions may not fit, or only fit after you make major adjustments. These adjustments often result in expensive downtime, or making your space more difficult to work in. This counteracts the added efficiency of humidity control, if it works at all. For example, drying rooms may need particularly low dewpoints to provide effective drying, but the space you use doesn’t suit the standard dimensions.

One of the first things we do when assessing your space is take extensive measurements to see what can fit where, with the least hassle.

Your individual needs are another major factor that affects which humidity control solutions suit you. We spend time working with you to establish your individual needs, including room conditions, services available, control requirements, and other criteria.

We then put together a complete package for your humidity control system. This could include full installation, ductwork, cooling and heating plant and all other services to provide a complete turnkey project.


Where should Bespoke Humidity Control Units Be Used?

We’ve already explained briefly why humidity control solutions are important, but let’s go into more detail about where they are needed.

Essentially, if you need to control the amount of moisture in the air around or within a product, a quality dehumidifier is the best solution. For example, if you run a meat processing plant, there are multiple points along the production line that need humidity control and monitoring. When the meat is being cured or dried, you have to ensure that as little moisture as possible is absorbed. Simply making the area hotter isn’t effective and can ruin the quality of the meat in the process.

Using humidity control, the amount of moisture the meat absorbs becomes minimal. This makes the meat safe to store, sell, and consume.

The air around the products will be more or less humid depending on the environment. In hotter months, the air will be more humid, and more humidity control is needed. Our systems can either adapt automatically to changing temperatures or can be manually adjusted to suit the situation. The information you need is clearly displayed, and we provide training, so you understand exactly how to operate each system.

When we meet with you to discuss your requirements, we explain what systems we can provide and where. We have decades of experience in multiple industries, so will provide valuable data and case studies explaining what works, and why.


Advantages Of Bespoke Humidity Control Systems

Once our systems are fitted, the results you see are instantaneous.

First, the quality of the product. This is the most important factor no matter what you produce or process. Higher quality products mean your reputation will improve and you’ll easily overtake your competitors that aren’t using the same advanced solutions. If the quality is consistent, there will be fewer wasted batches too.

Second, a higher yield. On production lines, efficiency is key. If you can improve how quickly your products are made, that directly affects the profit you bring in. With humidity control, your products can be dried faster, or produced in better environments, making it easier for your workers.

Third, energy efficiency. You may think that adding more machines will consume more energy, but in fact the opposite can be the case. Our industrial dehumidifiers are as energy efficient as possible, shutting themselves down to save power when they aren’t needed, recycling air using advanced filters, or even using other energy sources for regeneration. This last feature is what we pride ourselves on, we may be able to use hot water or waste heat to improve overall operating efficiencies; something very few providers can guarantee.

If you are concerned about your carbon footprint, or just want to reduce energy bills as much as possible, humidity control systems are the way to go.


Why Choose Dehum for Bespoke Humidity Control?

No matter what industry you work in, your main goal is to grow your business. By embracing new technologies, you not only improve your output and production, but also show your peers, investors, and customers that you’re keen to be a leader in your industry.

By using bespoke humidity control systems, you’ll create better products more efficiently, and even develop a better relationship with your customers.

We have been behind some truly exciting and innovative new technologies, which have virtually eliminated many of the issues that uncontrolled humidity can cause.

If you need help with humidity control or have any questions about us and what we do, please call 01926 882624 or email us on

We look forward to hearing from you.

Clients we help

How our systems can help

Using our engineering expertise and skill base, we are able to design unique applications, based on calculated psychometrics, to achieve and maintain optimum relative humidity levels (RH%) or accelerating drying. 

We have been behind extensive improvements in productivity across a multitude of industries.

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