Humidity Control Specialists: Dehumidification & Accelerated Drying


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Temporary Humidity Control

Temporary Humidity Control

Industrial dehumidification is essential in many industries. This could be anything from faster foam drying that removes a bottleneck from your production line to ensuring that confectionary dries evenly and has the perfect gooey centre that consumers love.

However, some companies believe that they don’t need bespoke dehumidifiers for their applications. This can be because of what they do, the space they work in, purely personal preference, or budgeting. But during the 3 decades we’ve been operating, we’ve never encountered a business that can’t benefit from humidity control in some way.

Temporary humidity control gives you all the advantages but without the need to commit to a fully installed system. Our turnkey solutions are quick to set up, and they’ll never let you down.


What is Temporary Humidity Control?

As the name suggests, a temporary humidity control system is a type of dehumidifier or similar machine that isn’t fixed in place or is only fixed for a set amount of time.

Unlike our other systems, which are designed from the ground up to suit your exact requirements, these are pre-built machines that can be installed as soon as you need them. They’re still some of the best in the world, we’ll never let a machine leave our site unless it’s 100% efficient and as reliable as it should be.


Who needs Temporary Humidity Control?

Many of our previous clients contacted us because they had a humidity-related issue they were unable to solve.

Temporary dehumidifiers are often used in transport. Imagine you’re moving/expanding to a new facility and need to transport equipment and materials that need specific atmospheric conditions. One of our systems can ensure the humidity is kept at the desired level until you’re set up in the new location. They can be used both on the road and when you arrive if you don’t have your permanent systems up and running yet.

Sometimes you only need humidity control for certain times of the year. Dew points fluctuate depending on temperatures – you might only need to lower it during summer or winter when it could create mould or cause machinery to rust. Instead of having a permanent dehumidifier gathering dust for 9 months of the year, call us for a temporary system whenever you need one.

You may also need a temporary solution if there is a fault with your permanent one. If you don’t have a servicing agreement, it can take a while before your machine is fixed, especially if new parts are needed. This is time that your production line could be shut down, or your freezer is unable to preserve your ingredients and products. We’ve also helped car collectors and museums, whose prized possessions were at risk while the issue was being fixed. With DEHUM, our turnkey solutions give you peace of mind and ensure your bottom line isn’t affected.

But what machines do we provide? We have a range of rental equipment, from our excellent desiccant dehumidifiers to water chillers and cooling coils. If you aren’t sure what the right solution is, we will offer step-by-step advice on selecting the equipment and its use and follow this up with any required up-scaling going forward.


The Best Temporary Humidity Control

If your business is being affected by humidity, causing mould and rust, or preventing your products from being as good as they could be, we have the solution.

Some businesses are wary about committing to a bespoke humidity control solution and want to know for sure that it’s worth the investment. By being transparent with our processes and keeping you up to date every step of the way, we ensure there is no doubt in your mind about how we can help.

If you aren’t sure what is causing the issue, we’ll meet with you to discuss it and then conduct a thorough site survey using the latest equipment. With that valuable data in hand, we can then select the best temporary solution for you.

You’ll see an immediate ROI, and the benefits of humidity control will be plain to see. Many of our previous clients chose a temporary solution but were so satisfied with the results that they asked us to design a permanent system for them later.

No matter what you need help with, we have a temporary humidity control system perfect for your business.

Clients we help

How our systems can help

Using our engineering expertise and skill base, we are able to design unique applications, based on calculated psychometrics, to achieve and maintain optimum relative humidity levels (RH%) or accelerating drying. 

We have been behind extensive improvements in productivity across a multitude of industries.

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