Humidity Control Specialists: Dehumidification & Accelerated Drying


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Dehumidifier Maintenance

Dehumidifier Servicing and Maintenance

When you’re spending a large amount of money on bespoke dehumidifiers, you need a machine that you can rely on. Efficiency should hand in hand with reliability if you want the best results.

With our flexible servicing and maintenance plans, we’ll keep your machines up and running for as long as you need them. We design our industrial dehumidifiers to be as reliable as possible. Pair this with regular servicing that we schedule around you, they’ll be in operation for decades.


What is Dehumidifier Servicing?

If parts of your industrial or commercial dehumidifier start to wear out, the early warning signs won’t be obvious to the untrained eye. What you will notice is a drop in performance, as a clogged desiccant rotor no longer reduces the humidity the way it should.

Ignore this for a while and you’ll soon be back where you started before investing in humidity control – facing the same issues you had before you contacted us or noticing that your products aren’t the high quality you need.

With regular servicing, these issues never interrupt your output or slow down your production line. Any wear and tear that could cause a future issue is spotted early by our experienced maintenance team. We also allow budgeting for any replacement parts that may be required. Our service reports will indicate and track overall system performance using the latest technology, which is vital if you rely on the equipment for production needs.

The servicing agreements we provide will include:

  • Fixed price service agreements over 1 to 5 years
  • A before and after service performance check so you can see exactly the quality of the work.
  • Bespoke service contract to meet unique site requirements
  • Individual component checks
  • Contracts from labour only to complete comprehensive packages.
  • Equipment optimisation
  • Reducing energy consumption reports
  • Priority breakdown response
  • Dehumidifier Servicing that Works Around You

Our servicing agreements are just as bespoke as the dehumidifiers we create. They can be for 1-, 3-, or 5-year terms, with longer ones available upon request. Longer agreements are more budget-friendly and guarantee better performance from your machines overall.

Servicing is thorough. We start with measuring the performance of the machine when we first arrive. Our engineers will then inspect every part of your machine and even give it a tune, balance, and clean to maximise efficiency. This will be done at a time selected well in advance so that it doesn’t interrupt your workday. The detailed reports we provide the performance of the machine when we arrived and its new performance once the work is done.

As part of our service we provide training for you and your team so that you can get to grips with your new systems. This is essential if you want to make the most of your systems, and adapt them to suit future needs, but it will only cover the very basics you need, and not any maintenance information. With us you don’t need to maintain your own systems; leave it to the professionals and focus on what you do best.


The Importance of Dehumidifier Maintenance

If your industrial dehumidifier develops an issue, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Whether it is one of our machines, or a different dehumidifier brand, our talented maintenance team are ready and waiting to get you back up and running.

Our professional service engineers are available countrywide to perform planned or preventive maintenance of your humidity control equipment. Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance & greater efficiency over an extended lifetime.

The key benefits of our maintenance service include:

  • UK Coverage
  • Fully Qualified Engineers
  • Latest testing equipment
  • Engineered Solutions
  • Equipment performance checks
  • Filter supply and changes
  • Parts supply and replacement
  • Critical spares on and off-site
  • Breakdown response

The goal of maintenance is to give you peace of mind. You want to know that, if something goes wrong, it’ll be fixed immediately. There’s the cost too, you don’t want an issue that wasn’t your fault to put a dent in your earnings.

Regular servicing helps to prevent this, but service agreements only work for a set amount of time, after which you’ll need to rely on maintenance if there is an issue.

With the best trained engineers in the business on our team, we’ll have your system back in business in no time at all.


The Best Dehumidifier Servicing and Maintenance

Many of our clients needed a bespoke dehumidification system for their application. The aviation industry, for example, faces specific issues depending on how they operate, which could be different from any of their peers. And for food production companies, you want to improve the drying process or guarantee better storage.

If you need a humidity control system designed from scratch to suit your application, you also need bespoke servicing and maintenance. That’s why we’re proud to offer some of the most thorough servicing, available across the UK whenever you need us.

Following any visit, we will prepare a detailed report on the condition and performance of your equipment and identify any areas of improvement with recommendations to ensure the optimisation of your processes.

Your production, your process and your environment are important to us as they are to you, so we’ll never do the bare minimum and will instead go above and beyond every time we visit.

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    The skill of any brewery is balancing a delicate blend of craftsmanship and technology. Standards are high & hygiene is crucial. There ...

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  • Automotive

    The automotive industry requires precise air quality control requirements when producing cars or any automotive components. Without these controls, the risks of ...

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  • Aviation

    Humidity control and moisture removal within the aviation industry are crucial in order to protect the whole as well as the parts. ...

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  • Electronics

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  • Food & Drink

    Dehum, have more than twenty years of experience within the food & drinks industry. Our list of satisfied clients in the food ...

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  • General Industrial

    The benefits of dehumidification can be used across all areas of industry. Our extensive experience will ensure that whatever the industry, we ...

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  • Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

    Healthcare & Pharmaceutical applications have their own unique expectations and high demands. From the simple addition of a DEHUM, pharmaceutical humidity control ...

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  • Recreation & Leisure

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  • Sports Halls & Temporary Buildings

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  • Utilities

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  • Wind Farms

    Wind farm turbines naturally have high humidity in the tower. Controlling the moisture inside a turbine is complex and requires a specialist ...

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Onfab UK

We had the pleasure to work with DEHUM for three weeks from 20th February in 2017. DEHUM has my strong recommendation for anyone who is looking for a high quality and precise job in air-conditioning.


Hague Electrical Services Ltd

We have worked with DEHUM on a number of high-profile projects over the past 8 years.  They are committed, enthusiastic and have great attention to detail.
Ultimately, they consistently meet (and often exceed) the client’s requirements.



DEHUM have played a significant role in the development of our processes and have become a trusted partner… As individuals, they demonstrate a pride in what they deliver and integrity in how they conduct business.



Airbus approached DEHUM to design and install a bespoke system. With 21 years of experience, DEHUM were able to offer Airbus a solution to this challenging problem.


Seward Refrigeration Ltd

We have always found Sorption Wheel Services dehumidifiers to be a reliable product and have used them on several projects over many years. This has been a mutually beneficial alliance upheld by dependable support staff.


Telstar Applied Containment

ATUK has worked with dehum for many years and have always found their service and products to be of exceptional standard… dehum has always used their expertise to provide a solution…


Birmingham Air Conditioning Ltd

Having worked with Simon, Mark, David and other members of the dehum team, I can say that I have seldom met a more enthusiastic, dedicated and motivated team of individuals…


Telstar Applied Containment

Our collaboration with DEHUM is going well and the latest products are of excellent quality, the knowledge of the design team is second to none and the technical support top notch.


Bristol Museum, Galleries and Archives

DEHUM have provided and serviced equipment to maintain safe relative humidity levels in our museum stores and archives for more than twenty years.

David, Preventative Conservator

Clients we help

How our systems can help

Using our engineering expertise and skill base, we are able to design unique applications, based on calculated psychometrics, to achieve and maintain optimum relative humidity levels (RH%) or accelerating drying. 

We have been behind extensive improvements in productivity across a multitude of industries.

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