Dehumidifier Rentals
December 19, 2024
Dehumidifier Rentals: How to Choose the Best Industrial Dehumidifier for your Business
The importance of humidity control can’t be understated. Fluctuations in RH (Relative Humidity) are a major cause of damp, mould, rust, product drying and air quality issues. If you control your application’s RH and temperature, the overall conditions will be ideal for both people and products.
But not every application needs a permanent humidity control system. Today we’re going to discuss dehumidifier rentals, and why they might be the perfect solution for your business.
What is a Dehumidifier?
But first, the basics. Using a dehumidifier will reduce the amount of moisture in the air. If this damp air is left unchecked, it will form water droplets on cold surfaces (known as the ‘dew point’). This can cause issues like mould and rot, make metal rust, or just prevent a product from drying properly.
An industrial dehumidifier catches this moisture in its system, so that only clean, dry air is released into the room/building.
There are two main types of dehumidifier. Condensing dehumidifier (sometimes known as refrigerant dehumidifiers) create a controlled dew point within the system. A coil is cooled, meaning that any humid air deposits moisture onto the coil as it passes through.
A desiccant rotor captures its moisture through absorption. Air is passed through part of the desiccant rotor where the moisture molecules in the air are attracted to the desiccant material of the rotor. This is called the process air. A second air stream is used and by heating this air the moisture is removed back off the rotor completely. The rotor constantly turns between these two air steams allowing it to work continuously and effectively as the and the moist air is always dispensed outside of your application.
As the manufacturer of desiccant dehumidifiers and after decades of intense R&D, we say with confidence that they’re the best choice for any industrial application. They use less energy and guarantee exact humidity control regardless of the season or time of day.
Preventing Humidity in Factories
High humidity can cause a wide variety of problems in any industrial setting. We see the most in the manufacturing and production world, including:
- Food not baking properly
- Food not drying properly
- Mould growing inside packaging due to trapped moisture
- Freezing being ineffective
- Labels not sticking
- Machinery rusting
- And more!
This is a lot of issues to handle. Any of them can bring your factory to a screeching halt while you scramble to find a solution. And often you’ll be faced with more than one problem.
The solution is effective humidity control. However, some issues are seasonal, some only needed for short production runs and others to test concepts. Fitting a brand-new humidity control system may not be possible in the time you have to react.
For a temporary solution the time to design and install is significantly reduced. Reacting quickly can pay for itself, allowing production needs to be met and the factory to return to normal production.
When you have an issue like mould ruining batches of products, the last thing you want is more downtime. Thankfully, we have a solution.
The Benefits of Dehumidifier Rental
By renting a dehumidifier, you can solve your humidity control issues overnight. There is no design time and minimal installation costs, meaning you can get your application back up and running immediately.
Some companies shy away from dehumidifier rental as the machines are small, meaning they aren’t as effective as a large-scale system. In some cases this is true; if you have a large warehouse or factory a single dehumidifier in the corner won’t guarantee a reduction in RH, but with multiple you can solve any humidity issues.
Time is money, so if you rent a dehumidifier for your business, your bottom line won’t be affected by lack of output.
However, we only recommend renting a dehumidifier if you only need it on a temporary basis. If you’re having issues with humidity year-round, and not just during certain months, the only way to fix the issue properly is with a permanent solution. A dehumidifier rental will keep mould at bay for the time being, but you should look into getting a system installed if you want to keep energy costs low and control humidity consistently.
When to Rent a Dehumidifier
There are plenty of other applications that a rented dehumidifier is perfect for. For example, if you’re a construction or renovation company, you need to dry concrete, plaster, and paint as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
Excess humidity will make the job take much longer, making deadlines arrive sooner than they should. It can also prevent the job from being done properly. If you’re waiting days for your plaster to dry, only to find an uneven finish when it finally does, you’ve lost over a week and wasted a lot of materials and manpower.
By hiring an industrial dehumidifier, you take humidity out of the equation. With the air quality improved, materials will dry faster than ever, allowing you to finish days sooner than you would do normally. The quality will be exactly what you’re looking for too, as all of our machines have been rigorously tested to guarantee efficiency. A day or two saved without sacrificing quality – it’s a no-brainer for any construction business!
Renting a Dehumidifier for Classic Car Storage
Outside of the construction world, the benefits of humidity control continue. If you own classic cars, you know how devastating uncontrolled humidity can be. Wood rots, metal rusts, and suddenly your prized possession’s value is plummeting.
The way you store your cars is vital. A drafty garage is a hot bed for humidity issues, even when they’re under covers. If you put them away for winter, you might not see the damage being done until the weather gets better, and then it may be too late.
To keep your cars safe, rent an industrial dehumidifier for their time in storage. For a small increase on your energy consumption, you’ll have no issues with humidity, and your cars will be exactly how you left them next time you go out for a drive or take them to a motoring show.
DEHUM Dehumidifier Rentals
Today we’ve only scratched the surface of the varied applications that can benefit from a rented dehumidifier. Our clients vary from huge factories and processing plants to car collections and museum archives.
Most of our clients approached us because they knew already that we’d be able to help them. Thanks to our bespoke humidity control systems and decades of experience in all sectors, we’re always able to assess the issue and design the perfect solution.
Often the issue is temporary, which is when our dehumidifier rentals get their chance to shine. Some of our most loyal clients only need us every so often but return again and again whenever there is a new, humidity-related challenge.
If you’re struggling with humidity control, but aren’t sure if a permanent solution is needed, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll meet with you to assess your application and solve any problems we find, in a way that suits your business best.